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With two budgets in 2017, and the Spring Budget announcement on Wednesday 8 March 2017, the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) have written to the Chancellor Philip Hammond outlining what they would like to see in the budget proposals.

The CBI’s letter calls for the government to ‘back businesses’ growth ambitions’ to help build prosperity across the UK, and to work alongside firms to ‘prioritise stability’ during periods of economic uncertainty.

The CBI has also urged the government to tackle the UK’s ‘outdated’ business rates regime and limit its ‘growing burden’ on businesses.

Elsewhere, the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) has advocated for a ‘pro-business budget’ that supports self-employed individuals, urging the government to help more people start up in business.

For further advice or to discuss what does the budget mean for business please contact us

Internet links: CBI news FSB news 


Jo Grant

Jo is the Senior Marketing Manager at Shorts Chartered Accountants.

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