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Shorts bring you the opportunity to attend this annual budget seminar to hear Scott Burkinshaw, Tax Partner and Chris Chambers, Private Client Partner at Shorts, comment on what the budget announcements hold, and their impact on businesses and individuals.

Everyone is welcome, and these events are free and always extremely well attended, so places are limited. Whatever your circumstances, the budget will affect you, so book now to secure your place now at our annual budget seminar.  


Date: Friday 24th November 2017
Time: 8.00am registration and breakfast at 8.30am start 
Close: Presentations and Q&A to close at 10.00am
Venue: Chesterfield Proact Stadium | 1866 Sheffield Road | Chesterfield | S41 8NZ


Click here to reserve your place now. 


Book Now


Feedback from previous annual budget seminars include:

Excellent Venue

"Very good insight of changes”

“Good delivery - explained key points”

“Enjoyed the event”

“An excellent and informative presentation”

“Very informative as always


For a full list of our upcoming events, please click here

Jodie Hague

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