Welcome to our January round-up containing current and topical news items that we hope may be of interest.
Click here to view January news round-up in full
For many people the start of a new year represents something of a fresh start. In our first round-up of 2015, we therefore include several articles intended to encourage people to reflect on their personal and business strategies and reconsider some ideas which they perhaps have not considered for a while. These articles are essential reading for any business owner.
We often find that the majority of people who could benefit from a trust do not have a full understanding of the potential benefits. Rachael Dronfield therefore gives an insight into why individuals may wish to consider using trusts to help to protect and pass on wealth tax efficiently.
Scott Burkinshaw explains 4 key ways in which entrepreneurs can protect their business. Again, our experience is that it is rare for business owners to have fully considered all the available options in this regard.
In other articles, Andrew Grant explains the rules that HMRC use to try to treat self-employed workers as employees and Andy Ryder gives an overview of the current situation regarding business expansions, acquisitions and disposals.
It has been a busy start to 2015 at Shorts. We welcomed our new Healthcare Director, Ceri Lewis, who has vast experience of working with GPs and others in the healthcare sector. We have also been busy organising our first seminar of the year which will be held on 4 February and will explain some positive ways in which individuals can protect their wealth – further details can be found in the news item about this seminar. Anyone with pensions or assets that they wish to pass securely and tax efficiently to their family should attend this seminar.
Thank you for reading. Please give your usual Shorts contact a call if there is anything you would like more details on.

Scott Burkinshaw
Scott is Tax Partner at Shorts, specialising in providing strategic corporate and personal tax advice.
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