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Welcome to our July news round-up containing current and topical news items that we hope may be of interest.

Click here to view July news round-up in full

In this newsletter we focus on the impact of changes announced in the recent Budget. The number and scale of changes made were a surprise and some of them have significant implications for owner managed businesses. For many of our clients, these changes mean that they will need to review many aspects of their tax affairs including how they pay themselves, their inheritance tax planning and pensions.

Andrew Grant discusses the impact on shareholders in private companies of the changes to the taxation of dividends. This article is essential reading for such shareholders.

Rachael Dronfield explains the current situation regarding changes to inheritance tax on family homes and Corey Lavender gives an update to employers on various changes to National Insurance Contributions and the Living Wage.

Also included are articles discussing the implications of the Budget for landlords, an update on tax relief on pension contributions and tax relief available to businesses on plant and machinery.

We therefore cover a broad range of issues in this newsletter which hopefully provide items of interest for all our clients and contacts and illustrate the range of potential issues facing businesses at present. Do not hesitate to contact your usual Shorts’ contact for any assistance with any of the topics covered.


Scott Burkinshaw

Scott is Tax Partner at Shorts, specialising in providing strategic corporate and personal tax advice.

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