Every year, the team at Shorts collect toys and participate in Mission Christmas, a remarkable initiative run by Cash for Kids.
For many people, daily choices are made between heating their homes or buying food. Choices that strip away the magic of Christmas. For many children, Christmas can be difficult due to various circumstances, making it just another ordinary day and no child should worry that Santa won't come - this is where Mission Christmas comes in, ensuring that those who might be struggling, are supported and providing gifts for children who might otherwise go without. Their mission is to be there when help is needed the most, to combat poverty, illness and neglect, making living with additional needs that little bit easier, or simply offering a helping hand.
Luckily, Mission Christmas is dedicated to changing that narrative, striving to guarantee that every child experiences the magic of Christmas. In 2023 they raised £23.7 million across the UK, supporting 579,376 children.
Collectively, our team donated a heap of amazing gifts for children aged 0-18, including games, hot water bottles, colouring books, tech supplies, and baby toys, as well as make-up, hair and beauty products and clothing for teenagers.
We gathered them all and made our way to the Mission Christmas HQ (Santa's Workshop), where the gifts will now be wrapped and sent across our community to reach Children in time for the big day.