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Welcome to our October Newsletter containing current and topical news items that we hope may be of interest.

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As we head towards the end of 2014, we give some essential pre year-end tax planning ideas for businesses and companies approaching their financial year end, explaining also how companies with patents can reduce their corporation tax bills.

The last month has seen news confirming the future relocation of our Sheffield team to prestigious new premises in the old DVLA building on Napier Street in Sheffield.

Next month we are hosting our annual Manufacturing Seminar covering the future of manufacturing in the region: places are still available for individuals within the manufacturing sector.  With key speakers including Master Cutler David Grey MBE and representatives from major manufacturing bodies, this event is being held as part of Destination Chesterfield's Made in Chesterfield week, and will focus on the future of manufacturing within the region.  Follow the link for more details and how to book your place.

Finally, our corporate finance team continues to expand and our news gives details of new recruit Matt Milnes, along with details of a major acquisition for one of our clients.

Thank you for reading this newsletter.  Do not hesitate to give your usual Shorts contact a call if you have any queries.


Scott Burkinshaw

Scott is Tax Partner at Shorts, specialising in providing strategic corporate and personal tax advice.

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