The Sheffield Chamber of Commerce has launched its Quarterly Economic Survey (QES) and is inviting business leaders across the Sheffield City Region to take the questionnaire, which takes take less than five minutes to complete.
What is the Quarterly Economic Survey?
The Quarterly Economic Survey is South Yorkshire’s most influential barometer of business conditions. The results are briefed into senior decision-makers across national and regional government, including the Mayor’s office.
In this quarter, the survey tests opinion on the forthcoming Sheffield City Region Employer’s Charter and business experience of cyber crime. It asks businesses about their recent performance and thoughts on the future. And ahead of the international climate summit in Glasgow this Autumn, it asks for business input on government policies on this too.
Why your business should get involved
By completing the five-minute survey and supporting the chamber, your business will be a part of local decision making, and will be helping to shape policy responses to the economic challenges faced by the region. The more businesses that take part, the stronger our voice, and the more influence we have collectively.
The survey for this quarter is live from 23rd August to 13th September and is open for any business to complete, even if they are not members of the chamber.
What the chambers say about the QES
"Your responses help us track the local economy and campaign for your priorities. Decision-makers in local, regional and national governments depend on the results. If you haven’t done so already, we hope you’ll join the hundreds of civic-minded businesses who make the South Yorkshire Quarterly Economic Survey. From this quarter you can also submit your own questions to us through the survey – and we are committed to answering these in public."
Shorts is proud to be a key partner of the Sheffield Chamber of Commerce, and encourages all local businesses to have their say in the key decisions being made that affect all businesses in the region.

Tags: Business News