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Yesterday, the Chancellor George Osborne announced his Summer Budget; the second of the year and the first Conservative budget for 19 years.  It was an interesting budget for both businesses and individuals and contained some fairly radical measures.

For our owner-managed company clients the main change will be how your dividends are taxed.  We will be putting together some examples of how it might affect individuals with different circumstances and, when we have the draft legislation confirming exactly how it will work in practice, we will be contacting clients individually with tailored advice to manage the changes.”

For an outline of the Chancellor's Summer Budget proposals and press releases, please refer to our Budget summary guide.

Summer Budget

Please click here to view Summer Budget summary

We shall be looking closely into where specific measures directly affect our clients, but if you have any queries in the meantime, then please do not hesitate to contact one of our tax team for more information.


Scott Burkinshaw

Scott is Tax Partner at Shorts, specialising in providing strategic corporate and personal tax advice.

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