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With the general election only weeks away, all eyes are on the Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborn to see if the 2015 Annual Budget holds any pre-election surprises.

Shorts and NatWest bring you the opportunity to attend this breakfast seminar to hear Andrew Grant, Tax Partner and Rachael Dronfield, Private Client Director at Shorts, comment on what the budget announcements held, and their impact on businesses and individuals.

We will also look at possible tax changes each political party are suggesting should they get into power.

These events are free and always extremely well attended, so places are limited. Whatever your circumstances, the budget will affect you, so book now to secure your place by clicking here

Venue              Chesterfield Proact Stadium
Date                 Friday 20 March 2015
Time                8.00 Registration and breakfast for 8.30am start
Close               Presentations and Q&A to close at 10.00am

Feedback from previous budget seminars include:

Informative morning, useful analysis, good summary of budget

Excellent presentations and review of budget key issues

“Organisation of event was superb. Speakers were extremely knowledgeable and engaging”

“Excellent! Very informative”

“Very informative useful questions and discussion”





Scott Burkinshaw

Scott is Tax Partner at Shorts, specialising in providing strategic corporate and personal tax advice.

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